Distemper in cats is caused by a completely different virus from the one affecting dogs. Distemper in dogs does not affect cats and vice versa.    Feline panleukopaenia or parvovirus, is often referred to as distemper in cats. It’s also extremely infectious and can cause serious illness. Find out more in our articles about panleukopaenia, […]

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Surgical wound repair in cats is a common procedure and includes using stitches, staples, and other healing methods. Wounds in cats can range from small, shallow wounds to larger, deeper wounds. Different techniques are needed for repair, depending on the type of wound. Wounds in cats are common and can develop due to a variety […]

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Cheyletiellosis in cats is a condition caused by a mite called cheyletiella. The mite lives on the skin surface. It can affect cats of any age but is more common in kittens. Cheyletiellosis is an uncommon condition in cats. It usually only causes mild symptoms, such as itching and dandruff, and is normally easy to […]

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Anti-itch medication for cats is used commonly in veterinary medicine. It can be used for a variety of conditions, but allergies are the most common. Anti-itch medications can be used at all ages, though some may be advised against in young cats.   There are different types of anti-itch medications as well as different ways to […]

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Parvovirus is a life-threatening viral illness in dogs. Cats do not catch canine parvovirus. The equivalent disease in cats is called feline panleukopenia. For other illnesses with similar symptoms of vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain, check out our Joii guides to pancreatitis, vomiting, diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, and eating things they shouldn’t.

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Insect bites in cats are a common problem and can happen at any time of the year, though they mostly tend to occur in the warmer months. Cats can be bitten by a variety of bugs, including ants, fleas, and flies. Insect bites can happen to cats of any age but tend to be more […]

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Panleukopenia in cats is a life-threatening viral illness. Although panleukopenia virus can infect cats of any age, sex or breed, young kittens and unvaccinated cats are most at risk. Fortunately, panleukopenia is rare now thanks to safe and effective vaccinations.   Feline panleukopenia is also known as feline parvovirus, FPV, feline distemper and feline infectious […]

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Sedation is used in cats to help them relax, both physically and mentally. There are several reasons why vets use sedation, such as for minor procedures, to help cats with behavioural difficulties and before a general anaesthetic to make your cat sleepy.   There are many options available for sedation in cats. Your vet will […]

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Pregnancy in cats length is similar to dogs. On average, a cat’s pregnancy lasts approximately 65 days. Responsible breeding requires careful planning and attention to the needs of both the mother and her kittens. Consult with your vet regularly to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy, labour, and postpartum care for your beloved feline companion. […]

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Cats give birth at around 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. This article provides a guide on what to expect in a cat giving birth, so you can easily recognise what is normal to reduce any anxiety that this moment may bring. As well as what is not normal so you can call for help without delay.  […]

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