Christmas is getting closer and closer. We are here throughout the whole festive season, 24 hours a day, to help you and your four-legged friends have a wonder-fur Christmas and Joii-ful New Year.

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The Christmas countdown is officially underway. ‘Tis the season to be furry!

Help us unwrap the Joii and make sure all of our pets have a paws-itively Merry Christmas.

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Christmas is coming…. very soon!
It’s one of the most Joii-ful times of the year, and it should be for all family members, including the four-legged ones.

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As winter starts to cover the country in a frosty embrace, it’s essential to be aware of how to keep our four legged friends – both canine and feline – safe and cosy. 

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French Bulldogs have quickly become one of the most popular breeds in the UK. It’s easy to see why, with their loveable nature and gorgeous, big bat-like ears. French Bulldogs are playful, friendly and affectionate dogs who love being around their people. But it’s important to be aware that they come with extra responsibility due […]

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As our feline friends grow alongside us, it’s important to understand the health conditions and challenges that they may face during the different stages of their lives. It’s our responsibility as vets and pet owners to help with their changing needs and make sure their golden years are as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

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As our canine companions grow alongside us, it’s important to understand the health conditions and challenges that they may face during the different stages of their lives. It’s our responsibility as vets and pet owners to help with their changing needs and provide care to help them enjoy their golden years to the fullest.

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There are many different types of wild mushrooms and toadstools that grow in the UK. They are most commonly found in the autumn months, between September and November. Mushrooms usually grow in woodlands and parks, and they can even be seen in gardens.

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How can you keep your furry friends safe at night? Joii’s expert vets explain the potential dangers for cats outside at night, and how you can help them stay safe.

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Both indoor and outdoor plants can be poisonous to our pets. The symptoms of poisoning can range from mild to very severe, depending on the plant involved and how much has been eaten. Dogs and cats of all ages can be affected.

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