Ear foreign bodies are a common problem for dogs, especially in the summer months. Dogs of any age, size or breed can get ear foreign bodies. But long, floppy ears and an active outdoor lifestyle increase the risk.   Ear foreign bodies happen when something works its way into your dog’s ear canal and gets […]

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Scooting in dogs is often a sign of anal gland problems, affecting up to 15% of dogs that visit the vet. Some cases may self-resolve within 24 hours, but if it persists, veterinary attention is essential. While occasionally harmless, scooting can indicate underlying issues like allergies. It’s also known as dragging or rubbing their bottoms. […]

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Broken bones in dogs are very painful. The first thing to do is to move your dog gently and safely out of harm’s way while doing your best not to manipulate the fracture. Be aware that a dog in pain may bite or scratch. Broken bones or fractures in dogs are most often caused by […]

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Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis is a severe type of stomach upset that can happen to dogs. It can be fatal without immediate veterinary treatment. 90% of dogs recover after hospitalisation at the vets, usually within 2-3 days.  The name of this condition has recently been changed to acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome. Sudden, severe dehydration is the main […]

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Slipped discs in dogs are a painful condition that causes leg weakness or even paralysis and incontinence. This condition is most commonly seen in breeds like Dachshunds and French bulldogs, but it can develop in any dog.  A slipped disc is a condition where the intervertebral discs (cushions between the backbones) slip out of place. […]

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Cysts in dogs are common. These lumps are not tumours but often grow. They are mostly seen in dogs older than 5 years of age, but any age or breed can be affected.  Cysts are hollow, non-cancerous growths that can appear under the skin and often contain a thick grey or yellowish discharge. Do not […]

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Vaccinations are the most effective tool we have to prevent serious infectious diseases in dogs. They prepare the body’s natural defences, so they can fight specific viruses and bacteria much more effectively and with less damage suffered. Which vaccines your pet needs depends on their lifestyle and circumstances. Although we only have effective vaccines against […]

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A mass in the stomach or intestines of a dog is usually due to a tumour, and most of them are cancerous. The outcome varies a lot depending on where the tumour is, what type it is and whether it has spread. These tumours are more common in middle-aged and older dogs. Tumours of the […]

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Head shaking is something every dog will do at some point or another. Without hands to scratch an itch, it’s one way to relieve an irritation. But repeated or vigorous head shaking may suggest more serious problems inside your dog’s ears, nose or mouth. Head shaking in dogs is a vigorous and deliberate action. It’s […]

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Food intolerance is when a dog’s body is unable to cope with something they’ve eaten and they become ill. This is a common problem and may happen for different reasons. In rare cases, it can be serious, but more commonly, it’s a long-term problem that stops if the problematic food is no longer given. Food […]

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