There are around 600 million cats in the world. International Cat Day is a day to celebrate all cats everywhere – whatever their size, breed, age, temperament or lifestyle.

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Learning how to clean your cat’s ears is a highly useful skill. While ear disease isn’t as prevalent in cats as it is in dogs, regular ear cleaning can significantly reduce issues for affected cats.

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Have you ever wondered what happens during a clinical exam at the vet’s? Beyond the wagging tails and anxious purrs, these health check-ups are an essential part of healthcare for our furry friends. 

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Knowing how to clean your dog’s ears is a really useful skill to learn. Otitis externa (inflamed ears) is one of the most common disorders presented to primary care vets in the UK. Up to 10% of dogs are affected by this condition but regular ear cleaning can help to reduce it.

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In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of mixed feeding, and provide practical tips to help you make informed decisions about your pet’s diet.

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In this article, we explore the benefits and potential challenges of raw dog food and provide guidance for owners on selecting a diet suitable for their dog.

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Responsible breeding requires careful planning and attention to the needs of both the mother and her puppies. Consult with your vet regularly to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy, labour, and postpartum care for your beloved canine companions.

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Responsible breeding requires careful planning and attention to the needs of both the mother and her kittens. Consult with your vet regularly to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy, labour, and postpartum care for your beloved feline companions.

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World Vet Day is an annual celebration that highlights the crucial role vets play in safeguarding animal health and welfare worldwide. It serves as a reminder of our dedication and commitment to ensuring the well-being of animals, humans, and the environment. This year’s dedicated theme is “Veterinarians are essential health workers”.

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During the warmer months, when nature is in full bloom and our furry friends are exploring, encounters with bees and wasps are extremely common. Understanding how to tell if your dog has been stung by a bee or wasp and what to do can make a big difference in ensuring their comfort and reducing your stress levels.

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